Mastering the Art of Web Typography: 3 Stunning Website Examples and References

Typography plays a crucial role in web design, influencing readability, aesthetics, and overall user experience.

01. Medium

Medium is known for its clean and elegant typography. Medium is an open platform where readers find dynamic thinking, and where expert and undiscovered voices can share their writing on any topic.

Why Medium Works

  1. Readability:
    Medium’s main text is presented in a straightforward, well-organized serif typeface, which improves readability. Long-form reading is made enjoyable by the use of broad margins and ample line spacing.

  2. Simple Hierarchy:
    A hierarchy of information is very efficiently created by using several heading styles and font weights on the site. Readers will find it really simple to skim the content and understand the text as a result.

  3. Consistency:
    Medium consistently uses the two same typefaces throughout the platform. The user experience and brand recognition are improved by this consistency.

Site Link:

02. Apple

Why it works: Apple’s website is a prime example of elegant and minimalist typography. They use a clean and easily readable sans-serif font, which aligns with their brand’s simplicity and sophistication. The consistent use of font sizes, generous spacing, and careful text alignment create a harmonious and visually pleasing design.

Site Link:

03. National Geographic

Why it works: National Geographic’s website employs typography that suits its content, which often includes long-form articles and captivating visuals. They use a well-balanced serif font that enhances readability, especially for extended reading. The combination of fonts for headlines and body text creates an organized and engaging layout.

Site Link:

Useful References for Web Typography:

  1. Google Fonts
    Google Fonts a vast library of freely available web fonts that are simple to include into web applications.
    Site Link :

  2. Adobe Fonts (formerly Typekit)
    A premium font service offering a wide selection of high-quality fonts for web and print.
    Site Link:

  3. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
    An article by Smashing Magazine that explores best practices for web typography.
    Site Link:

  4. “Web Typography Best Practices”
    A valuable resource for ensuring that web typography is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities
    Site Link:



