Chapter 02: Why This Text?

Why have I picked
this piece of text?

I am selecting the text from one of my favourite books, 'Atomic Habits’ written by James Clear, for my typesetting literature project. It would not only tell an inspiring story but also give readers insightful information about the influence of tiny changes and how they can result in big changes being accumulated at the end. This text is a message that is universally relevant and inspiring for creating small but impactful habits.

I believe its an inspiring story that highlights team’s transformations from average to champions by implementing tiny good habits in their daily routine. It is a good and short real-world example of transformative power by small incremental improvements. Beyond cycling, the text is extensively useful due to its universal applicability in a variety of our daily life routines, including business, health, and personal growth. It motivates readers to consistently improve in order to achieve long-term goals by demonstrating how small improvements on a daily basis may have a big impact. In addition, the text functions as a useful manual by offering particular instances of the marginal gains method, which makes it helpful for anyone wishing to use comparable ideas in their own domains.

Typesetting Project by Jay Mewada